Al ritmo di “People have the power” Out of the Blu ha progettato e prodotto l’annual meeting MediaWorld di novembre. La logistica è di Cisalpina Mice Bring together, in the same location, 600 Mediaworld People from the headquarter and store directions, and bring to life the “power of the team” to update, engage, and share with the audience the most important steps of Mediaworld’s strategy for the future. The 600 guests were put at the center of a day full of energy and enthusiasm, focused on the achievements, future projects, products of nearly 30 exhibitors and above all on the people, who participated, interacted and unleashed their creative potential. Special host Enrico Galletti, journalist enfant prodige, among Forbes’ 100 Top Under 30, face and voice of RTL 102.5 radio. At the end of the day, the clou of the event: a placée dinner enriched by the conduction of Il Milanese Imbruttito, who added his very personal touch to what was discussed during the convention, commenting and making the exhibition of “Mediaworld’s got talent” even funnier. 8/10 is the satisfaction rate of an internal survey. The event, the last in chronological order of a long series signed by Out of the Blu, best expresses the deep meaning of an established partnership between agency and client, an active collaboration that allows to work and build together what is effective for the brand and its audience.MediaWorld MediaWorld
01 Obiettivo
02 Esecuzione
03 Outcome